What You Get Elsewhere…That You Won’t Get From Us!

163651106 (2)New Century Credit Union aims to be the only financial institution you and your family will ever need.

But even we have to admit, there are a lot of things that come from other providers that you won’t get here. Ever.

In the interest of full disclosure, here are some of the services you won’t get from us:

Miss a credit card payment date? Hey, it happens. Just kiss your low rate goodbye.
Need a cash advance? Sure. That’ll be 5%—on top of your regular credit card rate.
We have an awesome rewards card. How does $50 a year sound for your annual membership fee?
It’s easy to make loan payments by phone—and it’ll only cost you $15 to do it!
Sure, we’re always happy to see you in person at the branch. That’s just $5 for each transaction.

All those things we can’t, or won’t, offer you add up and that’s YOUR hard-earned money you could choose to save or spend on something you need – or want!

New Century Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial cooperative. We exist to serve our members, not to make a profit. Unlike most other financial institutions, NCCU does not issue stock or pay dividends to outside stockholders. Instead, earnings are returned to our members in the form of lower loan rates, higher interest on deposits and lower fees.

Credit unions are exempt from state, corporate and federal income taxes, because of our not-for-profit structure. We do, however, pay real estate, property, payroll and sales taxes. This tax savings benefits our members by directly lowering the cost of financial services.

NCCU is governed by a board of directors, elected by and from our membership. Board members serve voluntarily.

Credit Unions are an economic democracy. Each credit union member has equal ownership and one vote—regardless of how much money a member has on deposit. At NCCU, you are a member and an owner. You and other members have a say in how we do business and in what products and services we offer!

What are you waiting for – join us, today!

Teach Your Children Financial Independence

MONEY BABYAre your kids on the right track to financial independence?

For many of today’s young adults, the weakest link lies in learning the basics. Only 35% of teens know how to balance a checking account or manage credit cards. During the past several years, a decline in overall financial knowledge is especially pronounced among 18-year-olds, and 13% fewer teens have bank accounts.

Achieving economic prosperity is difficult, and it’s especially hard for young people who’ve never learned how to manage money.

New Century Credit Union is ideally positioned to respond because we believe in the power of education. We’re here to help you launch the youth in your life toward financial independence, and here’s how:

Join. For starters, open a NCCU Kids Account for each child in your family. As soon as your children can write, have them fill out deposit and withdrawal slips. Guide teenagers through using a debit card and tracking transactions.

Share. Include your children in household money discussions. Show them how you budget income and expenses. As their skills improve, give them challenges—such as finding a better cell phone plan, calculating the total monthly cost of owning a car, or sticking to a budget for back-to-school or holiday spending.

Coach. Remind your children to ask for help when they need it. And turn to NCCU, Your Financial Family, when you want help. Our tradition of service and philosophy of self-help make us and ALL credit unions a natural partner in pursuing financial security.

We’re here to help. For more information, contact us!